Voice over: was it really better before?

We sometimes hear that voice-overs were better before. But before what, exactly? Before the opening up to non-comedians? Before the internet? Before private studios? Before remote recording? Before artificial intelligence? With each new technology, panic sets in, sometimes rightly, often wrongly. Here's the viewpoint of a dinosaur in the business who was there... before.


Voice over marketing? Say what?

Voice over marketing: a topic less sexy than TV commercials or video games characters, I give you that. But it's essential for every voice over artist - and every craftsman, entrepreneur, business owner, etc. - who want to work for a living, to present and sell their work by connecting with their audience.


Voice over and AI

Artificial intelligence, or AI: it's THE topic of the moment among voice-over actors. With the advent of ChatGPT, MidJourney and the like, it's Fear in the City, Deep Impact, Armageddon, Titanic, Don't Look Up, Giant Meatballs, you name it. So, is AI the big bad wolf or a damp squib? I've got my crystal ball out.


Remote recording and home studios

Sometimes, as voice-over actors, we work remotely (from a commercial studio or our private studio, also known as a 'home studio') with a receiving studio, where our client who is directing the session (producer, artistic director, creative director, direct client, etc.) is located. But what is this mysterious technology? Are we talking about teleportation here?

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