French voice over rates

French voice over rate sheet

This page sets out the rates I offer as a comédien voix, the different types of rates that apply, and what's included in those rates. As I am bilingual, I work in French, and also record voice overs in English with French accent - voice over rates are the same for both languages.

You would like a customised quote? Don't hesitate to get in touch.

Why is there such a disparity between the rates of different French voice actors ?

Voice over rates vary widely. A professional voice actor who does it full-time will offer you higher rates than an amateur who does it as a hobby. Expect different results! Fortunately, your ears - and those of your clients and audience - will easily tell the difference between the two.
We all know that voice over is an investment, not an expense. If you employ voice actors for projects entrusted to you by your clients, investing in a skilled and talented professional voice actor will ensure that you deliver quality work with high added value - and that your customers come back for more. You can see an overview of my portfolio on this website of course, and also on my Youtube voice over channel.

Rates always depend on a number of factors

  • the type of work (TV spot and sponsorship bumpers, corporate film, web promo, network imaging, video game, documentary, cartoon, audiobook, museum audio guide, etc.)
  • usage of recording depending on type of workvoice over rates

The units used to calculate these rates also vary according to the type of work:

  • session rate for any recording made in a commercial studio or from my recording studio with remote live monitoring (generally applicable to sessions for commercials or billboards)
  • usage fee - they apply to all publicly broadcasted recordings (so excluding strictly internal communications). They are usually calculated as a percentage of the session rate, depending on the type of broadcast medias, the duration of the broadcast and the territories covered.
  • rate per word or per finished minute for industrial films with internal use, internal e-learning, audiobooks (finished minute = 150 words on average)
  • set rate for corporate films, explainers and web promos
  • custom rates for other projects

À NOTER : TOUS MES TARIFS VOIX OFF S’ENTENDENT FACTURÉS TTC (autrement dit, vous n’aurez rien d’autre à payer). Pour info, un cachet de 1000 € (par exemple) coûte à l’employeur environ 1650 € au total. Si votre budget est de 1000 € en cachet, il est donc de 1650 € facturé TTC.
Mes tarifs sont négociables en fonction du volume, et de la récurrence le cas échéant. Ils ne sont en aucun cas contractuels et sont donnés à titre indicatif.

Tarif séance minimum (BSF – Basic Studio Fee) 300 € facturé (séance d’environ 1 heure, généralement suffisante pour 1 spot)

Usage fee (aussi appelés droits voisins ou droits de diffusion) : calculés en pourcentage du BSF, appliqués en sus du tarif séance. Cette grille de référence est une grille britannique établie en collaboration avec Equity (syndicat des comédiens) et couvre les droits d’exploitation à l’international.
(click on the preview below to view or download the document) international usage rates guide

Example: droits d’exploitation pour diffusion 1 an TV chaînes nationales France métropolitaine : 500% BSF, soit 1500 €

Worth noting The length of the spot or the number of words doesn't matter.
The rate is degressive depending on the length of the broadcast, the media and the territories targeted.

Droits d’exploitation principaux applicables en sus du tarif séance (calculés en pourcentage du BSF)

  • Droits TV France métropolitaine, 1 an : 500% BSF, soit 1500 € (rajouter 100% soit 300 € pour inclure DOM-TOM)
  • Droits TV France Régionale : 200% BSF, soit 600 €
  • Droits cinéma France métropolitaine, 1 an : 500% BSF, soit 1500 € (rajouter 100% soit 300 € pour inclure DOM-TOM)
  • Internet - not-paid-for web usage, also known as organic usage (no media buying):
    Client website, Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Linkedin accounts, Youtube/Vimeo client channels: from 50% to 200% of rights) depending on the size of the advertiser (low bracket for small structures, specialised sectors with a limited audience).
  • Internet usage including previous PLUS social media sponsored ads:
    – Spots sponsorisés sur réseaux sociaux, géociblage France, 1 an PLUS web à diffusion gratuite : 450% BSF soit 1350 €
  • Pre-roll youtube, géociblage France, 1 an : 300% BSF, soit 900 €

Discount for 'bulk purchase' (example: TV + cinema + internet): please contact me.
For coverage of territories not mentioned (e.g. Belgium, Switzerland, Quebec, French-speaking Africa, etc.): please contact me.

Session: 300 euros (1 hour is usually sufficient for 1 spot)
Usage fee (also known as neighbouring rights): calculated as a percentage of the session fee, applied in addition to the session fee.

Worth noting The length of the spot or the number of words doesn't matter.

  • Internet - not-paid-for web usage, also known as organic usage (no media buying):
    Customer website, Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Linkedin/TikTok accounts, Youtube/Vimeo customer channels: from €450 (session rate plus 50% in rights) to €900 (session rate plus 200% in rights).
  • Internet usage including previous PLUS social media sponsored ads:
    - Géotargeting France, from €900 (session rate plus 200% usage) to €1650 (session rate plus 450% in rights) depending on reach of advertiser
  • YouTube pre-roll, geotargeting France, 1 year: 300% i.e. €900

Rates vary according to the size of the advertiser - low band for small structures, specialised sectors with a limited audience

- Rates based on volume and recurrence - please contact me.

Session: scale depending on the duration of the booking

1000 euros

Strictly internal, with no web or offline distribution, no exhibition/trade show presentation, etc. - such as raising safety awareness in a factory, a film explaining a product's manufacturing processes to potential customers, shown at meetings or on the intranet, etc.
300 euros / 1000 words, decreasing scale (minimum: €300)

300 euros / 1000 words, decreasing scale (minimum: €300)

To be negotiated on a case-by-case basis, rate depending on volume and recurrence - please contact me

30 euros per message. Minimum: 200 euros

Session: 200 euros / hr
Decreasing scale according to the duration of the booking

These voice over rates include:

  • script preparation
  • voice actors
  • removal of bad takes), complete file cleaning
  • sync to pictures (if film supplied)
  • playback & quality control
  • WeTransfer the recording in the format of your choice. If none is specified, the voice over industry-standard format WAV mono 24-bit / 48000 Hz (24/48) will be sent
  • retakes (if these are the result of an error on my part)

These voice over rates do not include:

  • mix with music and SFX (on request)
  • cutting and file naming for more than 20 files (€1/file)


  • The scripts provided to me must be the final version, validated by the Client This prevents the need for a new session, saving you time and money. In the event of script changes after recording, pickups will be charged based on their quantity (minimum 100 euros).

IMPORTANT : en cas de travail à l’image, merci de fournir si possible le film au format .mov – nul besoin d’envoyer un fichier très lourd en 4K, 640 x 480 est amplement suffisant comme copie travail.