voix off blog - the different aspects of the acteur voix job2025-01-05T12:21:33+01:00

Voice over blog


I'm Pierre Maubouché, male French voice actor since 1994, and I've decided to share what I've learned over the years. This voix off blog gives you advice and tips, but also some uncomfortable truths about the voice actor trade, shakes affected thespians a bit, puts to rest a few myths about voice over, doesn't promise you the moon and the stars, and advocates relentless hard work. Like I said, a voice over blog with a difference.

Obviously, this discourages some of them, who would have given up anyway when they came up against the harsh reality of the profession. You may think I'm being harsh, but in reality I'm doing them a favour. With illusions of easy success (after all, it can't be that hard, everyone's talking!), exposed to continual failure (we're rejected during the casting 90% phase of the time - if we're any good), and not prepared to invest their time in training (I talk about this in this article on voice over training and present here the voice over coachingI offer), without tenacity and commitment, they were doomed to failure.

But if you're really, truly determined to become a voice actor against all the odds... with a valiant heart nothing is impossible, or almost. I also warmly encourage you to follow me on my Linkedin profile, Facebook page, my Instagram account and my X account, where I regularly post links to articles on the voice-over and audio post-production sector. Enjoy your reading!


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